Frequently Asked Questions
  • Q:床垫出现身体压痕正常吗?
  • A:是的,正常。今天的许多顶级床垫,均采用超级松软的乳胶泡沫和纤维制作舒适层,用来呵护身体,消除压力。在有特别舒适层的新床垫上睡躺的前几周,可能会注意到床垫表面出现一些身体压痕。这些压痕是正常的。表明舒适层刚好贴合您的身体,就像所期望的那样,所以,不要以为自己的新床垫出了什么毛病。
  • Q: Is it true that napping can be bad for you?
  • A. There's nothing wrong with taking a short nap to help refresh you during the day. But if you find you're napping all the time, it could be a sign that you aren't getting as much sleep as you should. Or that you're not getting the deep, restful sleep you need at night.
  • Q: Does the mattress affect how a person sleeps?
  • A. Yes. The mattress has the potential either to encourage sleep or rob you of sleep. Whether your mattress is a sleep friend or a sleep foe can determine how refreshed you feel in the morning. If you're tossing and turning more at night or if you're waking up feeling stiff or sore after a night's sleep, it could be a sign that your current mattress is no longer the best for you. Your body appreciates a comfortable, supportive mattress and will let you know if it's not up to the task.
  • Q: How much sleep does the average person need?
  • A. The average person needs 7-8 hours a night, but it differs for every person. Some people may need as much as 10 hours a night and others need much less. If you sleep longer on the weekends than during the week, you probably aren't getting the sleep you need every night.
  • Q: What are some ways to get a better night's sleep?
  • A. A few key things should help. Try going to bed and getting up at the same time every day – even on the weekends. This will help keep your biological clock in sync. Develop a sleep ritual by doing the same things each night just before bed. Parents often establish a routine for their kids, but it can help adults, too. A routine cues the body to settle down for the night. Another hint: Unwind early in the evening so that worries and distractions don't keep you from getting a good night's sleep. Finally, create a restful sleep environment – sleep in a cool, quiet, dark room on a comfortable, supportive mattress and foundation – to get your best night's rest. If you're sleeping as much as you need, but still find that you're sleepy during the day, you should consult your doctor to see if you might have a medical condition interfering with your sleep.
  • Q: What can shiftworkers or people who work at night do to sleep better?
  • A. Anyone who sleeps during the day needs to make sure their room is dark – use heavy window coverings to block out the light. This is important for everyone, but particularly for people who sleep when it's bright outside. Also, make sure your room is cool, between 16 to 18 degrees Celsius. Sleep on a comfortable, supportive mattress and foundation that offers you enough space to move around comfortably. And sleep in a room that's quiet. The sleep environment is a very controllable part of good sleep – whether you're sleeping during the day or at night. You can adjust the temperature, replace an uncomfortable or worn-out mattress, block out noise with earplugs or a white noise machine and keep light from your bedroom with dark blinds or eye shades.
  • Q: Where should I go for information if I think I have a sleep-related health problem?
  • A. If you've tried the common sense tips from our Sleep & Health page, and you know you're sleeping in a restful bedroom environment including a comfortable and supportive mattress, you should see your doctor. You may have a medical condition that interferes with getting a good night's sleep.
  • Q: What if there's no time for sleep? What can people do to sleep better?
  • A. Sleep needs to be a health priority. It affects every aspect of your day-to-day living. If you can't say "yes" to sleep, make sure to make the most out of the sleep you get. Exercise regularly – people who exercise a few times a week sleep better than people who don't. Also, avoid caffeine, alcohol and tobacco products late in the day. All can interfere with sleep. You need to create a restful sleep environment so the sleep you get is restorative and uninterrupted. Sleep in a dark room, on a comfortable, supportive mattress. Keep the room cool and quiet. And if you find yourself too stressed to sleep, make a list of all the things you need to do. Once you've made your to-do list, give yourself permission to relax and sleep. You'll need the energy to tackle your tasks in the morning.
  • Q: How can someone tell if they have a sleep disorder?
  • A. If you've looked at your sleep environment and your everyday routine to make sure you're not sabotaging your sleep and you still feel sleepy after getting a full night's sleep, you should see your doctor. You may have a medical condition that interferes with getting a good night's sleep.
  • Q: What's the best mattress?
  • A. The answer is a matter of individual taste. What's best for me may not be best for you. When it comes to mattresses, there is no one-size-fits-all. After all, we're all built differently and have different comfort and support preferences, so why would the same mattress be "best" for all of us?
    To determine the mattress that's best for you, we recommend using the process of elimination to weed out the ones you don't like. Go to a retailer and use the "rest test" to narrow down your choices. As you lie down on the mattresses, pay attention to three of the mattress's most important features: comfort, support and space. The mattress that best fulfills the combination of these needs is the "best" mattress for you. If you sleep with a partner, bring that person with you to test out the mattresses. After all, you will need to reconcile what you like best with what your partner likes best.
  • Q: What should people look for in a new mattress?
  • A. Four keys to keep in mind are support, comfort, space and matching sets. The mattress that's right for you will keep your spine in proper alignment – how your spine is when it's in good standing posture – supporting your body and cradling it along its curves. The right mattress will also be comfortable for your body. Keep in mind that your comfort preferences are likely to change as you age. Make sure the mattress provides enough space for easy, free movement. Couples should sleep on a queen or king-size mattress. And keep in mind that a mattress and foundation are designed to work together. Buy them as a set and get the most out of your investment in yourself.
  • Q: How often should mattresses be replaced? How long do they last?
  • A. Mattresses wear out on different timetables. This is due to numerous factors such as how the mattress was used (guest room, master bedroom, doubled as a trampoline for the kids), whether it was cared for properly and/or the quality of the mattress itself. Other important considerations are how personal comfort levels or a person's lifestyle and body may have changed over the years. We encourage you to think about these things and ask yourself the following questions:
    • Are you sleeping better or worse than you did a year ago?
    • Are you waking up feeling stiff and sore?
    • Does your mattress have visible signs of wear and tear?
    • Would a new mattress improve your sleep?
    If the answer is "yes" to any of these questions, then it's time to consider purchasing a new mattress. And because people tend to overlook their mattresses and don't think about them, we recommend that you "check" your mattress using these four questions on a regular basis – at least twice a year – to make sure mattress wear and tear isn't sneaking up on you and disrupting your sleep.
    • 和一年前相比,你的睡眠是更好?还是更糟糕?
    • 你醒来时是否感觉酸痛?
    • 床垫是否有明显的磨损?
    • 一张新床垫能改善你的睡眠吗?
    如果你对上述问题回答“是”,那就是时候买新床垫了。一般人也容易忽略自己的床垫,关注甚少。所以我们推荐你有规律问自己这四个问题-至少一年两次。确保床垫远离磨损,干扰睡眠。 。